Music Therapy Session (60 min)
Cancellation Policy
Make-up Classes: If you miss a class, you can make it up with another class during the same semester. Classes cannot be carried over between semesters. Simply email to schedule your make-up class. Cell phones, Photos & Videos: Please put cell phones on vibrate during class time. Limit phone use unless absolutely necessary, and always ask your classmates before posting videos or photos to social media. This is a rare chance for some screen-free bonding with your child! Food & Drink: If your child needs a snack, please take a break outside of the classroom to avoid messes and disruptions. Water, bottle feeding, and breastfeeding are absolutely fine in class! Illness: Please do not come to class if you or your child are sick. Older children who are home from school because they are sick should not come to class with you. We work with some children with compromised immune systems and some very young babies, so please err on the side of caution. Inclement Weather: We will send emails to registered families informing them of cancellations due to weather, so please make sure we have your current email address. You can also check Facebook and Instagram for the most up-to-date information. “Make-up” days will be added to the end of the semester as necessary. Participation: Your active participation (regardless of what you think about your musical ability) is the key to children growing and learning musically. It is very difficult for a child (and your teacher) to tune out adult conversation, so please help support our music- making environment by singing and dancing. Feel free to socialize after Cancellations: If a class time must be canceled due to insufficient enrollment, we will reach out to see if another class time works for you. If another day and time doesn’t work with your schedule, the tuition will be refunded in full. Withdrawals: If you wish to withdraw from class before our registration deadline (one week before a semester begins), you will be refunded the tuition amount, minus a $50 registration fee. If you wish to withdraw after the registration deadline, no refunds are offered.
Contact Details
12 Lake Cumberland Drive, Fairfield, OH, USA